Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chirp, chirp. Chirp, chirp.

No, those aren't the birds on my newly redesigned blog you're hearing. It's crickets.


Yes, crickets. I'm really not that good at keeping up with this thing. K says I need to be recording all of the times I fall or do something stupid in here, and while I'm sure yall would enjoy that, it just doesn't paint me in the best light.

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot lately. It's like my brain just won't shut off and I'm trying to process all of these thoughts that are coming into my head. Jobs. Babies. Death. Church. Jews. (Yes, Jews.) There are so many things that I can barely take a minute to collect my own thoughts and go through the day, much less bring all of those thoughts into one coherent thought and make that thought into a blog post. However, writing things out seems to somehow provide clarity, so once again, I will take up my blog writing and you can think along with me!

Or go running in the other direction and remove my blog from your favorites. It's whatever.

1 comment:

Linda said...


I hope that you will start updating more often. I have enjoyed reading what you have wrote so far.