Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I'm a truck drivin' (wo)man!

Disclaimer: This post is not in ANY WAY meant to be taken as complaining! It is merely observations - so nobody take offense!

Before I get into this post, let me first say that I am extremely grateful for my family members that have been willing to temporarily loan my some wheels so that I can get around!

My sweet parents are letting me borrow my mom's truck for a couple of weeks while I'm in the process of getting my cash together for a car of my own. Here's a few facts: I grew up in the country. My parents own a farm. I learned to drive in a big ol' suburban. For fun I drive go-karts, four wheelers, tractors, anything that moves over road or land. You can take a girl out of the country...you know the rest.

Apparently you can take some of the country out of the girl. Or maybe I've lived in the 'burbs for too long. Just as a recap, I used to drive this:
And I am currently driving this:
(not actual cars)

In the last few days, I've noticed how a few things have changed in my transportation:

1. In my car, I slid into the driver's seat. In the truck, I take a running leap and haul myself up into the driver's seat. I'm 5'2", so this is actually pretty funny to observe.

2. My car was small, so it fit nicely into the garage, never having to sit out in the cold, and was always mildly toasty, ready for me to get in and go in the morning. Therefore, I don't own an ice scraper. The truck doesn't even think about fitting in my garage. So on a chilly Monday morning, when there was ice covering the windshield, what's a girl to do? Yep, I was out scraping the window with a spatula.

3. While parking my car, I always went for the closest spot possible. When I got these, I called it "Princess Parking" and slid out of my car with ease, gliding happily into the store or wherever I was headed. In parking the truck, I look for the farthest spot away from all other cars. Embarrassed? No. I just can't park the damn thing! 5 minutes later, after many many tries, I make sure I am somewhat in a spot, jump down out of the seat, and pray that by the time I get out of the store all other cars around me will have moved, because Lord knows I'm not going to be able to back that thing out!

All that said, I'm so grateful to have a way to get around, and I'm sure everyone else is really enjoying the comedic value of my plight.

Also, how in the world my 5'3" mother drives this thing?


Amanda said...

Practice. You'll get the hang of it. Until then, always find a spot that you can pull through so it looks as though you backed in. Then you don't have to worry about backing out. :P

Linda said...

Too funny! So nice that your Mom was able to loan you her truck. Good luck with getting your new car :-)

Faith said...

That's hilarious about the spatula! I can't drive large cars for the life of me. My tiny mom drives a hugh Dodge Ram. I don't know how, but she loves it!

LeeAnn said...

I learned driving with a truck like that and a conversion van. Now I'm used to driving my car or the Explorer. I drove my parents truck once this pass summer and it felt SO huge! I didn't think that when I drove it all the time when I was younger. Its just what you're used to.