Thursday, October 28, 2010


First of all - big thanks to Crystal for redoing my blog!! Totally loving the header and everything!

Second of all, let me just say this. I realize it's been nearly two months since I repledged to blog regularly. However, if you knew what had gone on the past two months, you'd cut me some slack, so we'll just go with that and yall forgive me, k? K.

Now that we've got that taken care of...

Have you ever wanted everything to change, while wanting everything to go back the way it was or just stay the same? Confused? Me, too. I think sometimes we long for the way things were because we know how to handle those life situations. We long for the comfort of a daily routine we know and understand and don't want to rock the boat. However, if we truly look at it, with the knowledge we know have, would we go back?

Some days I long for my early married days - steady paychecks, tons of shopping money, fun trips to take every month, eating at yummy fun restaurants, and always a good time to be had. However, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't go back. I wasn't using my full potential, I didn't love my job, I worked for my hubby, which induced a tense environment, both at work and at home, and there was always a pretense to keep up.

What about the now? Paychecks aren't always steady, but my bills are paid. I have a job that I actually enjoy going to most days. I can't even remember the last time I got to buy a pair of shoes, and I don't really eat out very often, but my husband and I's relationship is better than ever.

Some would say the now isn't so hot, but I realize as I sit here snuggled on the couch, drinking pumpkin tea in my house that's up for sale, that the things that are changing are a fresh start. It's a chance to hit the reset button on life. Yes, I'm selling the first house we ever bought, but moving means getting out of debt. It means moving to a community where my friends are, and back to my small town roots. It means Kyle and I get to experience some new foods that we make with our own hands - some good, and some not so good, but we try. It means getting eventually to starting a family and moving forward after several very hard years.

And this pumpkin tea will taste just as good in any home where my hubby is watching baseball on the couch, and my puppies are snuggled up by my feet. Those things will stay exactly the same.

1 comment:

Crystal from My Ramblings said...

The new blog looks great ;) I totally understand the not posting... I'm the same way... my posts are months apart.

Good luck on selling your house and moving and pushing the reset button... just keep telling yourself that in the end, it will all be worth it.