Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29th - The Hustle and Bustle

The holiday season is such a hustle and bustle of activity.  In my house, we are both musicians, so between the two of us we have eight concerts in the month of December.  Sandwich those between work parties, Christmas parties with friends, our annual family rituals on both sides of the family, not to mention shopping and preparing for the family to descend upon our home for Christmas day, and we neer stop moving.  While many of those things don't matter in the grand scheme of life, some of them do.

When was the last time you spent with your colleagues outside the office? When did you last hug your cousin and tell them that you love them? For me, being in the eight concerts means I have eight opportunities to share the joy of Christ's birth through the gift of music.  And the Christmas parties with friends?  It's God's reminder that we have been given people to share this life with.

As you embark on the busiest time of the year, thank god for the things you are called to do today.  You may grumble about going out the door to another party, but use the opportunity to love on those around you instead of figuring out how fast you can make a break for the door.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."  John 15:12

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