Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Seriously? Seriously.

In the Gibson house we've been sucked into a game of Musical Chairs: The Job Version. It's been going on for about a year now, starting with our previous company. There we weren't sure if the music was going to stop or if we needed to start moving around looking for another chair. But the music stopped, and we were both left on the floor. (Yes, "music stop" pun intended.)

At this point, I became a bit of a chair whore, hopping around to a few different chairs, holding onto about 3 at a time. For the last six months, I've held on to my Mary Kay chair, and my church chair, although that chair is changing, and I've flown through the retail chair and the nanny chair, but more on that later.

As for my dear husband, he keeps getting the chairs knocked out from under him. After being left on the floor, he went in search of a new chair - interviews, resumes, you know the routine. He finally landed a chair, and although it was not his favorite, in fact, he grew to hate that freakin chair, it was a chair, and he was glad to have one in a game where the chairs are few, and many are left out.

Until Monday.

That's right, K is back in the game. He was laid off on Monday, and is once again searching for that new chair. I mentioned mine was changing - I will be going to work for the church and the music ministry at St. Peter beginning February 1st. I am extremely happy about this upgrade, and I have to admit, I was REALLY happy to drop the nanny chair.

So where does that leave us?

Searching. The music is playing, and we're walking in circles, trying not to accidentally fall on our asses by sitting too quickly, but having enough faith to try and sit.

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