Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ok, the question I've gotten the most lately is, "What the hell is going on with you two?" I agree, it's been a crazy week, and where things were Sunday and where they are today is DEFINITELY not where I thought they would end!

We'll start with Kyle - I mentioned in my earlier post that he was laid off. His position was eliminated, so that left him out of a job. Fortunately, we received a little bit of severance. He's now searching for a new job, so if you have any suggestions, send them on over!

Now on to me. Due to my increasing MK business and my accompanying, we decided that I could leave my job as a nanny. Wonderful people, but this was not a good job for me. I was ready to give my two weeks' notice on Monday...right before the call from Kyle that he'd been laid off. Tuesday morning we decided that I would go ahead and resign from my nanny job. An hour later, we received a call from my church, officially offering me the job as the music person! (No, I don't know my real title, we'll see what the business cards say.)

Tuesday I resigned - my last day is January 30th, Kyle's birthday, and I start at the church February 1st! So things are looking up on my air, but we aren't sure where they are going in Kyle's direction.

Things are definitely interesting in the Gibson household! I try and keep everyone posted on the latest developments!

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