Sunday, February 27, 2011

Month 2 - February

February was a COMPLETE blur. Seriously. Where did it go? While this was not the most productive month in my quest, I am glad for the few things I accomplished, and look forward to starting March and finishing the last 4 months with gusto! So here's an update of where I am in the list (updates for February are in blue!):

1. Lose weight. I'm down 2 lbs. - definitely not where I want to be, but I'm in a better routine of working out, so I'll take it!
2. Publish some music.
3. Write a book. Did the basics to get going on this in February! Let the writing begin!
4. Write a business plan for a potential music studio.
5. Throw Kyle a great 30th birthday party. DONE!
6. Sell our house and move.
7. Finish scrapbooking 2006.
8. Start a once a month bunco group.
9. Take a class once a month and learn something new. January - wine class - DONE! February - fail. Flu and ice won!
10. Clean out the clothes I will never ever wear again, either because they don't fit, or no 30 year old should wear them. DONE!
11. Finish one book a month. January - DONE! Read 2 actually. February - DONE! Read "Things Christians Like."
12. Kyle. A lady doesn't kiss and tell, but of course this one is done. :)
13. Get rid of my Mary Kay inventory and go to an order only system.
14. Get my wedding album ordered.
15. Decide on a go to cocktail.
16. Try a new recipe every week. January - DONE! February - I tried a lot of new restaurant foods this month! I wasn't home really to cook, so this is the best I could do!
17. Ride a horse.
18. Blog about my adventures, print them out, and put it in a book for my kids to read one day. Blogging, done!
19. Take at least 1 picture every day. January - done! I missed a couple of days, but that's not too bad! February - again, flu and ice 2, Michelle 0. Got a few in though!
20. Catalogue the choir music at church. In progress!
21. Take a getaway trip with my hubby.
22. Miss a Sunday of church. (Haven't done this since October of 2009. Yikes!)
23. Sew a quilt. Just for me.
24. Learn to play the hammered dulcimer.
25. Watch the entire series of Sex and the City.
26. Have lunch with my mom once a month. January - DONE! We had a blast! February - Done! We went to the Dove's Nest in Waxahachie. Yum!
27. Spend time with my girls once a month. Got some serious girl time in the month! DONE! February - Done! Steffi and I had a fantastic spa day last week!
28. Eat a four course dinner for free.
29. Make an apron.
30. Say goodbye to my 20s in style!

1 comment:

jenicarae said...

Good thing we already have March covered for your GNO and a "how to" class! Can't wait for some good, quality time with you!