Friday, June 3, 2011

Thoughts of a Non-Runner: C25K, Week 1, Day 1

Here's what happens when a non runner starts trying to run - my thoughts:

"Oh yeah, I can do this. Brisk walk warm up, I'm going to own it. First run, got it. Ok, that wasn't so bad. Back to walking. 30 minutes, this will be no problem. Oh, I have to run again? I can do that. Ok, I'm kinda tired. Can I walk again? Run 3 of 9?! %^&$^%^# What was i thinking? Nine?! Oh great, here come some high school boys. Hope they enjoy this. I'm not going to make it. Oh, half way? Ok good. Oh my goodness gracious, run 6?! Are they trying to kill me!? Ok, one more. Brisk walk cool down? How about death down? Oh. Oh my. I made it. I MADE IT! I'm a rockstar!!!"

Stay tuned for more from the non-runner!


jenicarae said...

HAHAHAH - laughing out loud as I sit here at my desk! LOVE IT! Keep up the good work:-)

Catherine said...

Love it!!! Keep telling yourself I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!!!!