Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Great Closet Cleanout

One item of my 30 before 30 list involved cleaning out my closet of things that I would never wear again, either because they wouldn't fit, or no 30 year old should be wearing them. I completed this task this weekend.

This actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I had images in my head of finishing this job and having 5 things in my closet, which sounds like a dream come true, except I can't afford to replace any of it! So I got busy, and about 5 hours later, I had a closet my mother would be proud of. Here's a couple things I learned:

1. Just because you are turning 30 does NOT mean all things with glitter and bling go away. That's just me people, and I like sparkle.

2. It is amazing to walk in your closet and know you can wear everything that is in there!!

And I leave you with pictures of the finished product: (disclaimer: I do share my closet with my husband, so some of the weird things you see are his!)


KRT said...
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KRT said...

I hope you saved the stuff you took out for the fabric at least! It would be a shame to let nice fabrics go to waste, even if you don't like the garment anymore!

(I like Kyle's purses.)

jenicarae said...

Looks great! You are rockin your list, girl!