Saturday, January 1, 2011

30 before 30

As of today, I have exactly 6 months until I turn 30.


When my friend Steffi turned 29 this past month, she began to make a list: 30 before 30 - 30 things she wanted to do or accomplish before she hit that lovely milestone that says "I'm officially supposed to be an adult now." (You can follow her adventures here.) I loved this idea, and took on the challenge as well! I've got half the time to do it in, but anyone who knows me know I work best under a shorter deadline anyway, so I figured, why not? I'm only at 25 currently, so I'm taking suggestions for my last 5!

1. Lose weight. And yes, I have a number and a plan, but it's none of your business. :)
2. Publish some music.
3. Write a book.
4. Write a business plan for a potential music studio.
5. Throw Kyle a great 30th birthday party. (He hits the big 3-0 on January 30th!)
6. Sell our house and move.
7. Finish scrapbooking 2006. (Don't judge.)
8. Start a once a month bunco group.
9. Take a class once a month and learn something new.
10. Clean out the clothes I will never ever wear again, either because they don't fit, or no 30 year old should wear them.
11. Finish one book a month.
12. Kyle. (Yes, he wanted to make sure he was on this list!)
13. Get rid of my Mary Kay inventory and go to an order only system. (Yay for more closet space!)
14. Get my wedding album ordered. (Again, don't judge me.)
15. Decide on a go to cocktail.
16. Try a new recipe every week.
17. Ride a horse.
18. Blog about my adventures, print them out, and put it in a book for my kids to read one day. (Look, I'm already doing this one!)
19. Take at least 1 picture every day.
20. Catalogue the choir music at church.
21. Take a getaway trip with my hubby.
22. Miss a Sunday of church. (Haven't done this since October of 2009. Yikes!)
23. Sew a quilt. Just for me.
24. Learn to play the hammered dulcimer.
25. Watch the entire series of Sex and the City. (Those girls flew fabulously into their 30s, just want to make sure I do the same!)
26. ??
27. ??
28. ??
29. ??
30. ??

I've already worked out and blogged today, so I'm off to a good start! Make your suggestions now for the final 5. :)


Catherine said...

No sky diving, bungee jumping, or popping out babies? Oh my goodness I crack myself up o:-) would love to join you on some of the things! Sounds like fun!

Rabelers said...

Love the list - how fun! Enjoy your last months of the twenties! ;)