Monday, January 31, 2011

January Review

I have a week 4 review in the works, but it takes me awhile to get pics in here, so look for that tomorrow hopefully!

Well, I'm one month into my 30 before 30 challenge, and what a month it has been! I've accomplished quite a bit in the first month in, but I'm also a little scared that I only have 5 months to finish all of this! So, here's what I've knocked out this month:

1. Lose weight. Made a small tiny amount of progress. Gotta step this up.
2. Publish some music.
3. Write a book.
4. Write a business plan for a potential music studio.
5. Throw Kyle a great 30th birthday party. DONE!
6. Sell our house and move.
7. Finish scrapbooking 2006.
8. Start a once a month bunco group.
9. Take a class once a month and learn something new. January - wine class - DONE!
10. Clean out the clothes I will never ever wear again, either because they don't fit, or no 30 year old should wear them. DONE!
11. Finish one book a month. January - DONE! Read 2 actually.
12. Kyle. A lady doesn't kiss and tell, but of course this one is done. :)
13. Get rid of my Mary Kay inventory and go to an order only system.
14. Get my wedding album ordered.
15. Decide on a go to cocktail.
16. Try a new recipe every week. January - DONE!
17. Ride a horse.
18. Blog about my adventures, print them out, and put it in a book for my kids to read one day. Blogging, done!
19. Take at least 1 picture every day. January - done! I missed a couple of days, but that's not too bad!
20. Catalogue the choir music at church.
21. Take a getaway trip with my hubby.
22. Miss a Sunday of church. (Haven't done this since October of 2009. Yikes!)
23. Sew a quilt. Just for me.
24. Learn to play the hammered dulcimer.
25. Watch the entire series of Sex and the City.
26. Have lunch with my mom once a month. January - DONE! We had a blast!
27. Spend time with my girls once a month. Got some serious girl time in the month! DONE!
28. Eat a four course dinner for free.
29. Make an apron.
30. Say goodbye to my 20s in style!

Not bad for one month! Can't wait to see what February has in store!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Doing great! Keep up the good work! :)