Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Please don't stop the music!

#4. Write a business plan for a music studio.

This is going to be a fairly boring post.  The more I thought about this, the more I realized: I didn't want to do it.  My long term goal is not to be running a full store music studio.  I like the size it is now!  So, with that, I decided I was happy where my studio was, and I wasn't going to change it.  I do leave you with a picture of my adorable studio from our Christmas recital.  :)


The Old Coots Musings said...

Hey kiddo - it's your life so you get to live it the way you think best. Just remember to keep your options open as our God may move you in a direction you don't expect. Keep that music coming even though I'm musically declined.

The Old Coots Musings said...

Oh No! I'm stranded, stuck, lost, etc., in Blog land and can't find any exits.